Comprehensive Exam
A comprehensive tour of your mouth that enables you to make informed decisions about treatment options that fit your lifestyle and budget.
It starts with an exam
At your first appointment, Dr. Rowley will discuss your goals for Comfort, Cosmetics, Function, and Longevity. The goal of a comprehensive exam is to help you develop a treatment plan that focuses on your priorities.
Dr. Rowley and his Dental Assistant will take a series of radiographs, photographs, and digital models to get the most complete view of your teeth and gums from every angle. Because your oral health is more important than just a “quick peek at your teeth,” Dr. Rowley will then study the records collected during your exam after hours and develop a presentation to show you what he sees.
Then comes the free consultation
At the end of your exam, we will schedule you for a consultation free of charge. This gives you a chance to sit down with Dr. Rowley in his office. Using advanced dental technology, Dr. Rowley will give you a tour of your mouth, sharing his findings and answering any questions or concerns you may have. The goal of this 30-minute consultation is to inform you. Then you can have the necessary input and control in developing a treatment plan that fits your lifestyle and your budget.